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Gall bladder diet for after surgery - gall sac fare for after surgery

01-02-2017 à 13:32:59
Gall bladder diet for after surgery
I have found the smaller meals work best. Alcohol with a big meal seamed to be the only thing that would irritate my body. I just had my gallbladder removed April 12, 2014. The good thing about doing it slowly is that I know now what my body reacts to in terms of the bloating, cramping, or even loose bowels. I am so happy I did this surgery as I will not miss that 1 attack I had. I even to him and other doctor that I had my gallbladder removed. I am now 21 days post-laproscopic cholesystectomy and healing well. Cannot taste food now and lost another half a stone in a week the second week another five pounds. If I eat anything it is like my stomach gurgles all the time, and it feels like something is moving around in my stomach. I had my gallbladder removed due to gallstones along with my right adrenal gland which had a very large mass. Also had a larger stone in the gall bladder. Today is my last day on the meds and I am able to eat more. I had my gallbladder removed 4 years ago and still have bouts of diarrhea from time to time especially when I eat badly or when I get sick with the flu or anything else or when I have had very little sleep. I had Gall Bladder surgery and am very nauseated. Gas X ( simethecone)relieves it. I underestimated the seriousness of gall stones and complications that can occur like blockage of the bile ducts. I was told by my family Doctor that since I no longer had a gallbladder and thus no storage resivour I would experience these type of signs and systems due to the excessive bile. But 3 days later i was rushed back into hospital in terrible pain. After surgery I had the initial adjustment period (about a week) for my stomach and now it appears I can eat and drink most things without running to the toilet. Had gall bladder removed on friday, July 25th, 2014. But choosing between not having spicy foods and the pain I had before surgery is a no-brainer for me. I had my surgery only 5 days ago and I feel I have been able to eat most foods without difficulty. on Friday May 23, 2014, 32 hours ago from this minute. The first day after the surgery I ate yogurt and chicken noodle soups and drank mostly water. Have been on the job 32 years and in the last 6 weeks have missed 19 days. When feeling bad lay flat and rest. He is staying with us until tommorow, but this really helped. It was because I was told that I could eat anything I wanted after the surgery. at night before bed. Now I only use it when the itching gets bad and unbearable. BINGO. Decide for yourself how bad you feel now and what your doctor seems to think is best and have patience. Not any different now except the form of the bm is looser. I started slowly integrating foods that I would normally eat. I had my gal bladder removed 2 years ago. As a matter of fact, I was more concerned because I was not going regularly and was afraid of constipation. I just had gallbladder surgery last Thursday, I have had such severe pain from eating anything. I just wish that any of the doctors who had been a part of my diagnosis and surgery had talked to me about alternatives. Had good appetite afterwards, but had to watch food in-take. 2015. I also have very little taste for alcohol either. Hence my silent stone woke up after 5 years. I had my gallbladder removed in April 2012, every since then I can only eat certain foods but after at least 10 minutes in the bathroom with the runs or bad stomach pains which is very ignoring. I have continued to have right side pain and my gallbladder was removed in April 2014. I also have tingles that move all over and my hands, feet, and lips feel numb. Trying to eat organic is, however, very expensive. There is a lot of doctors out there who misdiagnose and are not good. Anamic. Mashed sweet potato with a large spoon of low fat cottage cheese. While I have always maintained a healthy diet, and I love vegetables, occasionally we all enjoy a muffin, or sweets. Ate myself a McDouble, small fries and a pineapple mango smoothie. I have had tons of accidents and my husband get so frausted with this issues because he knows when it hit he has to get me to a bathroom fast. I had my gall bladder out 1 yr ago and still have problems in my lower intestine. I started out slow with small meals and seemed to be fine. 28, 2016. And I think the small meals is a key. The pain was the worst thing I have ever experienced in my life, to be honest, it embarrassed my Wife as my moans and screams of agony were, well lets say a little embarrassing. Raisins (may not be seed, but, can cause trouble. He had horrible chest and stomach pain and was rushed to the ER 8am Monday morning, it is now Wednesday at 6 pm and just now doing the surgery, they had to wait until his coumadin levels were okay. But ive been trying to eat just dry bread and drink water. has been bloating me all day long. I was told by my doctor that once the gallbladder becomes symptomatic the best thing to do is to remove it before it becomes septic, once septic, open surgery is the only option and complications are greater when septic. Sometimes i forgotten that i had done surgery, and get active like normal, as the result i got pain in abdoment. Periodically, i throw up bile and its brutal. I have been able to eat mostly everything, except some fast foods. If i didnt hav the gallbladder removed more stones can grow and the pain culd be worse thats why they dont break the stones up as when u have a gallbladder they can return again. 6 to 10 maybe 12 times a day, weather I eat or not. The done blood work and ct scan with nothing looking abnormal. My gallbladder was removed over a year ago, and when I eat to many vegetables I immediately have to run to the bathroom as in asap. Simply Orange just came out with low acid OJ. Anyone with advice on what I can put on my plate please let me know. i have periods of constipation and then have severe episodes of what i call explosive diarrhea. Also, I took milk of magnesia and that helped also. I had my gallbladder removed in late December. Still trying to figured out what food and not to eat. Best of luck to everyone about to have or having had surgery. It was filled with stones and I developed pancreatitis. I was getting realky bad where if I ate I got nauseous, blotted, and constipated. At night if I lay down and try to go to sleep sometimes I wake up because fluid from my stomach is coming up. Just posted but forgot to mention a couple things. I began eating very small meals but on the eighth day woke up a 2am with severe, severe stomach pain. My gallstones was huge so I still have some post open pain but it gets better every day. They were awful and huge. I have had to start wearing depends because it get so bad at times. If I eat a regular meal my stomach feels bloated and I get a lot pain. Very small portions and nothing fried or greasy. Steak is impossible to eat, anything spicy, fish gives me diarrhea, and most the stuff I names makes me throw up. I had my gallbladder removed a little over a year ago and I was extremely young for this. Here are my regular diet after my 4th day of operation. I am having the issue of dealing with recent embarrassing incident with my bowel movements. Also I need to drink enough water because when I am constipated I experience really painful cramps. Yes I had gal bladder removed jan. I noticed that I could go periods of time without the fennel seed and still eat high fat foods. So, naturally I ate my normal diet, but then I started getting stomach discomfort when I would eat certain foods. Why do I have attacks after gall blaadder is removed. Luckily I have not had digestive issues even with greasy fast food or dairy. First thing I ate was homemade chicken orzo soup. I have digestive issues, but a good probiotic helps. I just had my gallbladder removed 4 weeks ago. Stillprobs 6wks after op. I know many others who have had similar problems and had I of been more informed of the potential complications I would have gone to much greater lengths to preserve my gall bladder. I had my gall bladder removed in June--and while I was always a healthy eater--the comments about eating less fat or low fat are wise. I had my gallbladder removed a year a ago. I really have few complaints and do not wish to eat a diet high in fat or sugars. I have had y gallbladder out for a year now. I ate instant mashed potatoes, canned fruit and low fat cottage cheese. Four holes. He takes between 10-20 pills of Imodium a day and while that gives him some relief in times of stress even this does not work. That day i just drank water and a few spoons of ice cream for my throat. I having very hard time finding things that I can eat that I like. I had my gullbladder removed 2 months ago. Eggs, porridge, veg, tuna, salad, soup (not creamy) seem good. Prior to removal I only occasional ate junk food, and had a quite balanced diet (proteins, carbs, raw, cooked,fried spices etc. I still eat very small and frequent meals never getting over 70% full. Also I having had a bowel movement in 6 day please help me out why the best way to lay in bed. I consider myself lucky if I go to toilet for bowels every 4 days or so. I actually feel the gas move from one side of the stomach to the other. I had gallbladder removed Feb 20, since then, I have constant pain in upper right of stomach at incision. so ice cream is a no no. I think this is the best way to go. I had my gall bladder out on December 30. I had my gallbladder removed in November 2013, and for the last year have been able to eat just about anything I wanted with no problem. Eating 6 small meals a day is always the best way to understand how your body is reacting to certain foods. I feel that I made the right decision for me and I will compose an update in a couple of months. I ate what I wanted, but only to develop severe pain on my right side. Its been 1 week and 4 days since my laparoscopic gallbladder removal and I feel wonderful. I had gallbladder removal and I am on my 14th day of recovery. What to Eat After Gallbladder Surgery A well balanced post cholecystectomy diet is important to help your body adjust to the loss of the gallbladder, maintain regular digestion and to avoid weight gain. whole wheat saltines with little amount of almond butter. I was so embarrassed I could never go eat out because once I was done eating I would go straight to the restroom. 3 weeks is the norm. :). I am still trying to find a balanced diet, so as not to have problems with the digestion and the flatulence and bloating. Still (in 2016) have fierce diarrhea when I eat anything too fatty, or have raw fruits and vegetables. I have one cup of coffee and a small glass of milk in the mornings. As I figure it out I will keep you posted. He takes meds from the Dr. Oh had gained 40 pounds over last 3 years and another 20 pounds on the diet recommendations fromodern medicine. So far I have been limited to fruit and soups. Gas, nausea, bloating, lots of belching etc. The nurse told me nothing fried or fatty for a while. The body also had to heal from the surgery. The difference between feeling full and overdoing it is only a few bites. Was just enjoying the taste when all of a sudden dash to the toilet. I just recently had a gall bladder surgery and have difficulty with what to eat or not to eat. I had my gallbladder removed three weeks ago. I did have to start slow with eating--liquids, then low fat, etc. Had gall bladder removed July 6 everything went wrong spent 19 days in the hospital had a stint put in and now out, still have pains on my right side, I was wondering if I can drink ice tea, in a tin not home made, have trouble with milk. So I officially started a daily earing chart, I write down everything from breakfast to diner that goes in my mouth. I had my gallbladder removed on October 12, 2015. I have recently had a gallbladder surgery and I can t hardly nothing that makes my stomach nasty. When I continued getting sick with every little thing I ate I thought maybe the food was stuck in my stomach since it had a smaller pouch opening since Ithe surgery. I lost a little weight of course due to liquid diet right before surgery but with my metabolism I anticipate my normal weight to be right back as like I said. Carbonated beverages I rarely eat but they cause problem as well. Hello I had my Gallbladder removed November 2013. craving for cheese and coffee thouth. Got hungry so today I had fish green peas and avocado. More than happy to lose the weight but will be keeping an eye on how quick I lose it. I probably spent 5 yrs in almost constant pain or extreme discomfort just from hemmroids. Anything like sweets, caffeine, will just go right thru me. I did have a yogurt with mango and I was fine. I switched o Ibuprofen on Friday and I was fine until Saturday when I began to experience some nausea and IBS symptoms. I had my gallbladder out on Oct 25, 2015 not to long ago. After a total of 2 months of eating like a prisoner of Bread and Water, lol, mainly apples, lots of apples, chicken breasts and turkey breasts with popcorn out of a hot air popcorn popper and using real butter only, no margarine. Yesterday I had fries with my baked chicken, and today I had fried rice and filet Mignon. The pain after eating, bloating, constant diarrhea, etc. Chinese food goes right through me. I think it because the bile has no where to store anymore so it leaks a little in your tummy. Fajitas chicken gave me the runs the other day. About 10 days post surgery I tried a couple of pieces of cheese pizza- digested it with no problems. I do watch what I eat but I am going to try a low-fat diet now. I had 5 children and the most I ever weighed was 136 with my last child. presumably, the mind tells the Liver to release at about the same time each day. The day after I found out I also have HPylori (Infected ulcer). eveytime I eat food I get diarrhea having a hard time have stomach aches all the time. Of course, you can try small amounts of fats and the body needs fats so try almond oil and flaxseeds. I am Malia, a 26 year old female, who has just recently had my gallbladder removed. 6 different types of probiolics. I would have preferred to keep my gallstones if I knew my life would be this miserable. Now it is like 15 pounds have been lifted from my abdominal area. I had my gallbladder removed October 17th as well. I was diagnosed of this disease in the year 2014. Diet Pepsi jus a little but mostly water cause I was so thirsty. I hoped it would be the cure to my over eating, Nope no such luck. I had my gall bladder removed about three months ago. 26,2015 I am 37 yes old. I got sudden dia. Actually said nothing else could cause the pain. I wish I had that chance and one bad decision is hunting with me for the rest of mylife. That same day I started getting pain and it continued for 5 hours. Because I am in a very controlled environment, I did not have many problems. So Sunday was the first day I could eat a meal. On the run before hand I could drink a kellogs. I did take pain medicine the first 2 days every 4 hours so I ate 6 oyster crackers when I took them. Before my surgery I could eat anything, my digestive system worked fine. I have suggested he check in with the clinic there, and write your site. If I am out, I take papaya tablets with me and chew those during a meal if there is beef or butter or other high fat foods. Have had gall bladder surgery many years ago and had NO stones, still have occasional sudden attack of pain, even though diet changed. The more I walk and eating small meals I think are my keys. After testing I was diagnosed with gall stones. 12 months to come good. I slept on the floor and had to have an enema at about midnight to releave the pain last night. gases were bad. I am always looking for other recipes also. Went overboard with the bacon, eggs, ground beef and cheese during the day. I can no longer eat beef or anything fatty, or painful bloating occurs quickly. Was transfered to a UCD and they actually ran tests there and found 2 gallstones stuck in the common bile duct. Recovery the first two months was very rough. 5 weeks after surgery and I feel great. I had my surgery a year ago, and for me, it comes down to eating a small amount of anything. Stay away from any packaded salads what ever chemical they put in it to help it keep long. As far as diet, I was told that I should stay away from raw vegetables and only eat cooked to help digestion. Had EGD and colonoscopy prior to gallbladder removal and they were fine. I can almost feel my digestive system working after some meals. I recently had gallbladder surgery gas is d only problem so far a little bit weak though but I know it will get better overtime. I had way less problems than this before. Red meat is out of the question but I can it grilled chicken small chunks. But it would seem that we will all get into proper health or better eating habits with healthier results. I stayed in the hospital a week because I was septic and I had jaundice. Two years ago my husband suffered from lungs cancer and the doctor told us that nothing could be done, I was so frustrated and the thought of loosing my husband was so unbearable that I lost all hope. I have been advised to go back to having soups etc,until i am healed inside. D. cut out all red meats, pork, and butter. D. I am almost afraid to eat as I do not know what will bother me. please help and advise as to what to do about this. It helps. I will be posting the result after the last day of my flush. I began drinking 1 cup of hot prune juice before bed to keep me regular after the anesthesia and pain meds and will continue with that as it has worked. I can eat shrimp and clams and crab, but not lobster. When I first had it removed I was very careful with the foods I consumed. My appetite is normal and my quantities are normal. I have had my gallbladder removed over a week ago. I do not eat a lot of dairy anyways, but when I do, I do not experience any problems. I was suprised they selected a tray with two types of meat and a dairy product. These include: coffee and other caffeinated drinks dairy products spicy meals Post Gallbladder Surgery Diet Tips Some people may be advised to take a liquid diet after cholecystectomy. I added the meal to my spreadsheet and found I had ingested 47 grams of fat in about 30 minutes. When I have the crappies, I take two or three small gummy bears about four or five times a day and that stops the crappies for me. I had my gallbladder out dec 18 and it took a good six weeks before I felt normal again. im scared to eat anymore. Had no further attacks until aboiut 10 yrs ago and gradually getting worse. I also had pain in my right shoulder from this gas too. No issues other than a little stomach aches (gas i believe) and one bowel movement was brownish yellow. Oh and she has totally turned off of anyrhing with tomato in it. I had my GB removed on the 15th of Jan 2014 it seem every thing I eat and drink causes discomfort and my stomach blows up and its very uncomfortable is there anything i can take to ease these symptoms. She says those words if constipated or has diaherrea. I had a heart attack earlier this year, due to Coronary Micro Vascular Disease. I had my gallbladder out about 6 months ago. My gastroenterologist gave it to me, but I never had it filled. Minor wounds( all four) have healed very quickly, the longest wound only 5 cm and looks no worse than a cat scratch. I went through so many procedures and had seen many doctors in short peroid of times, but could not find anything abvious. I watched what I ate and was fine until the day of my 2 wk check up. I ate chicken broth and other bland stuff for a couple of days. The only food stuff that I think affects me negatively now is spicy food. Also, since the surgery, I have not consumed carbonated beverages. Feels like something is wrong down by my appendix. I just had my gallbladder removed a week ago and I had some yogurt today that really upset my stomach. I am just glad God help me through my surgery and that i coudnt have done it without Him. HEART and his ability of restoring broken relationship and marriages. I had gall bladder surgery several years ago, and as long as I maintain a low fat diet I have no problems. I have also had CT scan,x-rays and upper and lower endoscopes. But, I throw in nutritious foods in the mix. I saw on a website WWW. I have bad allergies to a range of pain and antibiotic pills. After almost 10 years I pretty much know the ropes of what to do and what not to as far as eating. They removed it and she stayed in the hospital for 2 nights. On occasion my husband has vomiting and diarrhea after eating a large meal consisting of meat laden with fat. I eat several small meals a day with only a tiny amount of fat. If you are suffering, please go see a gastroenterologist as you may have a plethora of other problems which you may be attributing to the removal of your gall bladder. I just want to find a eating regimen that keeps me feeling normal. Minimal elevation of AFT whatever that is. Pasta with a mix of chicken and veggies and a very light garlic and wine sauce is wonderful. Doctor told me to do a low fat diet for about 6 weeks and then I could start introducing my body back to the foods i love, but in small portions. No one ever told me to follow up with a diet. At the beginning of October 2014, I had a sudden abdominal pain that I could only describe as comparable to the worse of my gallbladder attacks. She said that her pain was the same as if her gallbladder was still there prior to it being removed. I just got surgery got my gallbladder removed and i would like to know what can i eat all im eating is fruit and veggies and i meed to change it to something else any help. This allows your body to not only fight when attacked but aids in the digestion of food. I had laparoscopy 4 incisions with 1 being larger due to stone size. i had my gall bladder out and i have identical problem. Also try not to eat 2-4 hours before bedtime. I believe fresh, unprocessed, whole grains, and minimal fat in your diet is truly the answer. Hi I just had my gall bladder removed about a week ago. Bouts of loose stools lasting for 3 days at a time and at about 10 days intervals are wrecking my life I have tried cutting down on fats This is difficult. Eating was liquids the first three days: apple sauce, soups, prune juice (to increase fiber), pudding, and slowly increased to baked chicken and steamed veggies and fresh fruit. Thank you for the information you have shared here. I ad my gallblader removed 3 weeks ago and have decided that i may need to go vegan for whiile. Also feel constipated at times which was never the case earlier and sometimes face problems of upset tummy. He had a attack over the wkend and spent the nite in the hospital. For the first two weeks I ate a lowfat and mild, easily digestible diet. Poor appetite, exhaustion, anger, very temperamental can be aggressive verbally. It still stings in the areas where I have had my gallbladder surgery. The doc said it could be a couple years before my body adjusts. Mayo Clinic Health Letter Medical Products Population Health and Wellness Programs Health Plan Administration Medical Laboratory Services Continuing Education for Medical Professionals Giving to Mayo Clinic Give Now Your Impact Frequently Asked Questions Contact Us to Give Give to Mayo Clinic Help set a new world standard in care for people everywhere. My problem is if I eat too fast, which I did the other night on pizza rolls which my body instantly bloated and gassed up. I have completely cut dairy out of my diet. Calcium supplements and citrus juice for example lemon juice and water seem to firm things up a little, but too much can cause constipation. I was warned not to eat fatty foods and to be careful of dairy products. I am usually very active so big lifestyle change. I have often noticed that what I eat does play a huge part in how I feel. I had my Gallbladder removed on 30th October and now I am recuperating after surgery. I think it is a trial and error. I had to miss an appt with the surgeon due to diarrhea problems that day. Well it did go away so of course I was starving and ate the fist thing I saw. Eventually I ended up with severe gastritis that was diagnosed as pylori infection, even though biopsy was negative I was treated with anti-biotics, fasting and anti-acid medication. My gall bladder was removed on July 10 of this year. Now i keep my mind set up that im not a person like last time. I think i should have stuck with a no gallbladder diet. Bloating from the bile constantly running into you intestines. After two weeks I started putting a little more fat and I started drinking coffee. Had first attack when 7 months pregnant over 30yrs ago. That is a good way to lose weight unfortunately, I do not weight enough to lose anymore. This gallbladder removal, is a horrible, awful thing. I am in the mid 300 range now with a long way to go but I feel so much better. since then. Hopes this helps in your research, any questions please email back. The pain before surgery came on in the middle of the night and I saw my doc that afternoon and then admitted to hospital for surgery the following day. I was looking for ideas on what is safe to eat. Until today cramping and diarrhea has become worse. Went for post op chek-up told the dr. My one question concerns my liver blood tests. It lasts usually 20 minutes then gradually goes away. I have to wear a drainage bag for infection and take lots of antibiotics. Managed a toast once at lunch time with a scraping of marmalade. Hi I have had gallbladder surgery (removal) and have had no change in my diet except i feel so much better. Post Cholecystectomy state- no complications. Tried to detect food type and timing of intake patterns. He said I needed to walk well i walked like i was on a racetrack. Breakfast in the hospital on Sunday was pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon,orange juice and coffee. For some, veggies are really hard to digest, so start with small amounts and stick with the ones you tolerate. I will admit that after all of the other surgeries I had in 2012 (including leg amputation), the last thing I wanted was another surgery. I have been low in K2 vitamin, yet Doctors told me I only needed to take vitamin D3 and Calcium. I was in extreme pain and vomiting one night and went to the V. I will post about my experience after my surgery. It was painful and hard to breathe during those episodes. Once a week I will slip and have a little bit of fried foods. This afternoon I had a dry toasted battle and it went down well. They thought I may have passed a gall stone that might now be in the intestine. I suffered everyday with pain and discomfort,I modified my diet to low fat no animal fats nothing fried etc. If I do I will throw up just like when I had gallstones. I had my gallbladder removed a week ago and a large molar tooth removed 2 days ago. I can handle peppermint tea and ice tea with lemon for drinks, but my go to is ginger ale. This is in response to Danielle or anyone recently having gallbladder surgery removal and having these symptoms. The first 2 days i was only consuming liquids, but 2 days after that i had chicken noodle soup i had to go directly to the bathroom. Yes I will see my GI again after the New Year. I had my gallbladder removed yesterday June 23rd, 2014. I had my gallbladder removed about 6 years ago. Im having severe stomach cramping and have had several accidents trying to make it to the bathroom. Another drug. I have had oatmeal one day good. After 3 days or so I added scrambled eggs and toast, banana, rice, and thicker vegetable soup. It relieves it a little, but I do want to see Dr. I have had a CT scan, x-rays, an upper GI and an ultrasound. I am now wondering if my diet contributed to what is happening to me. I have 1 problem since before the removal of my gallbladder. I had gallbladder surgery about a month ago. I am very interested in Bison do you have information on this. Due tu this I feel uneasyness and effect to legs shoulders, and eyes. Second day I had jello, toast in the afternoon and rotisserie chicken, rice and veggies for dinner, that meal was a little difficult I had to eat it really slow. I had gall bladder surgery almost 3months ago. But we had sloppy joes and that seemed to put him down in bed with a hard belly and pain. Oh yes. Needless to say this surgery effects each one of us differently. A well-functioning gallbladder helps your body excrete cholesterol, other fats and fat soluble toxins. He had gallbladder removed and inguinial hernia on left side at same time. So the gas packet get stuck in your intestine an makes your food to stay in your intestine for long that when inflammation comes then sharp pain. I eat lots of pudding, apple sauce, no chocolate, lots of fruits. please any help I can get will be appreciated. I lost about 13 lbs in 2 weeks before my gallbladder surgery and I am just now feeling strong enough to try to experiment with foods 4 weeks later. The only thing that stopped the diarrhea the docs have tried is a 150mg of opioids. I drink coffee and have red wine almost every night. I had my gallbladder removed in September 2014 because of the severe stomach pain I was having. I feel weak all day and have trouble sleeping. My daughter just had the surgery to remove her gall bladder on yesterday. I was in a lot of pain under the right rib area, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting bile also. I had my gallbladder removed a month ago. I was never given any advice whatsoever after the operation about diet. Save your love ones by sharing the below email to cancer suffering patients worldwide. I have not had any problems with digesting foods. I feel much better this morning but I will be more careful what I eat now on. I ended up with painful intestinal cramps and need to find a restroom fast. I can eat almost anything today is day 8 since I have had it removed I have had no problems until I just ate mcdonalds with my son. Mostly soups at night and cream of wheat in the morning. Yes, I have had continuous direah since the removal of my gall bladder. After surgery things were fine so I thought. I went to dinner yesterday and had a lean cut of steak which I sliced paper thin as I was eating it. In the hospital my nurse was very wise and she brought me some Boost on ice which was easy to stomach as long as I went slowly. I had my GB removed 10 days ago and am so thankful for this site. The sudden bouts of diarrhea,extreme sharp gut pain, nausea, the list goes on. I have been this same overweight size since the surgery. That is my own case but I have heard a different story with different people. I had my gall bladder removed about 11 days ago. I actually feel swollen and absolutely miserable to the point where the only thing that makes me feel better for a day or 2 is literally to not eat so my system can level back out and my bathroom habits become normal again as the constipation is excruciating. The reason I found this website is because now my mother is having gallstone problems and is going in for surgery soon. I had my gallbladder removed in August and the surgery was very successful. My first day home and my first meal was children noodle soup with a few saltine crackers. I take a teaspoon of coconut oil every day between breakfast and lunch. This is my Gall Bladder Story From beginning to End. have problem with some foods. i hurt worster now than i did before i had the surgery. I would NOT do it again because now I have loose stools everyday which is caused by excess bile (since I no longer have a gallbladder to store it) draining to the intestines. My biggest problems 9 days after gallbladder removal is nausea - even from a piece of toast and some grapes and melon. Over the years, I have become very sensitive to dairy products but still consume them. but I have talked with other people that concur that they,too, have had some problems with some foods, so I am going to be a little careful in that I will eat small amounts for awhile. I always feel like I have to make a bowel movement. The cause was bilary stones blocking the neck of the gallbladder, which caused the initial cholecystitis, and led to infection and abscess in the gallbladder. Had gallbladder removed in hospital 4 days no nausea now all of sudden have throwing up is this normal. I would have flare ups for days. On the bright side, I am able to stay hydrated. So much for macadamia nuts and peanut butter. I am back to walking daily, going kayaking,gardening etc. It really is the most important meal because it sets the tone for the rest of your day. much worse than before. Turned out it was my gall bladder and it needed to come out ASAP. Also, today symptoms appeared after eating a ham sandwhich for lunch. Thank you for the great advice and insight. I just had mine removed today 5-27-15 they have me on a clear liquid diet and are slowly going to have me work my way up to a regular meal wich means more tme sitring in the hospital away from my newborn and ive been here since 5-23-15. I might try some rice maybe and English peas. I just hope each day gets better and my body learns to live without the gallbladder. the pain is so bad i has to find a position to lay in to stop the pain. I just got gallbladder surgery 2 days ago. On the positive side I found that eating fruits like apples and blueberries are really cool on my stomach. Started off having soup and saltines with water. Different foods cause various reactions in each one of us. (it was about midnight), and after testing they found my gallbladder was slightly inflamed and had produced some small stones. It helps a lot and for me -in conjunction with the stool softener and gas medication has helped enormously. I started with a lowfat diet, gradually adding things like dairy, fat and roughage. surgery was nearly 5 months ago. About an hour after out meal she began vomiting and her pain increased. Especially if I ate too much or ate foods that did not agree with me. I was living overseas at the time and I was misdiagnosed several times. I also have acid reflux so I have to watch the amount of acid and fats I eat, however I can eat a certain amount of both without to much problems. Yes I had mine removed a few years ago,and ive found it hard to eat rice and or beans,dairy or anything with cheese. I try to reserve a lean meat for dinner and watch the portion size. And besides her suffering my water bill is. My incision site stings so badly and it just hurts to move. Sure enough I had diarreah and it was not only painful but gross. Sometimes i forgotten that i had done surgery, and get active like normal, as the result i got pain in abdoment. However, I have recently been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. Any guidance or advice would be extremely helpful. Sent me for CT scan where they added fat through IV to see how my gall bladder was clearing bile. After the operation i got an infection and had to go back to the hospital. After that the pathology report was negative no Cancer thanks God. I ended up going to an urgent care once to have them lanced to get relief but it came right back. Gas, nausea, bloating, lots of belching etc. Claire, You might want to have an upper endoscopy done to see if you have an ulcer. I now use an envelope of Prevalite every other day although in the first two months, I did not need it more than every 4 or 5 days. I have problems with fats,dairy,eggs,cabbage,broccoli,etc. I enjoy life again. I had my gallbladder removed 4yrs ago and I still have problems eating tomato sauce or mexican is a sure way to puke I feel bloated all the time and so tired. Sad part is that usually the most healty foods are the ones that cause me more pain an constipation or the other way around buy constipation are the most painful cause come with the bloating and sarp pain. I just had my gull bladder removed four days ago. salmon is an oily fish - cod is better option) and drink plenty plenty water. I recently had my gallbladder removed in December of 2015. Maybe in moderation but at this time none is best. Immediately after the surgery they began to treat my pancreatitis which is common after the surgery. Prior to this surgery, I had a gastric bypass. I definitely have to be careful with the amount of fried or fatty foods I eat. I think people who dont have a gallbladder should be much better. Before suergery I was having horrible waves of nausea, vomiting, occasional sharp pains under left ribs,low grade temps, and mid sternal heaviness. So my advice is to eat lite and eat often. My doctor told me yesterday to add Metamucil or psyllium to my diet to help absorb the bile. Ultra sound tech finally brought the gallstone up to my doctor who said I couldnt have anything done until I had my uterus cleaned. I just had surgery a week ago and still got some pain and burning feeling on my stomach. At 63, I am going live some sort of life. I did have loose stools the second day after surgery and nurses did say to expect that. That means that I was already used to that kind of diet and it would not make any difference. I have put on two stone in weight since my removal of gallbladder twelve month ago. I had the laparoscopic surgery with four small incisions. Yesterday two bites of a baked potato and off to the bathroom. Had my gall bladder taken out yesterday about 8am and was home by 2pm in agony. I was told I had IBS and find out on Nexium. I try to find low fat items and nothing over 4 grams of fat. I am nowon a path to see what I am able to eat. No idea what to do the morning of the race. Even a slightest negligency on food creates diarrhoea. No problems, I have to mention tho that my meals are not huge at one time. In may of 1999 I had a mitrol valve replacement and have been on a blood thinner every since then. I am not sure about what is happening in my boddy but could feel last night near getting sick that was a big work going on inside there. Post removal an immediate 1 and enhanced appetite. And explained about the bile that still there even with no gall bladder. that there were no restrictions on my diet. Went home and had tea with sugar and a small piece of plain Persian bread around 9 pm that night. Felt very nauseous and the pain got stronger. I had mine takin out three weeks ago few weeks before i could not eat only blinded foods n non hrease food two days before my stomach felt like it was going to burst open they removed only thong i can keep down is mashed potaoes brown gravy n rolls r fish on wheat bread ive lost bout 40 pounds i can drink anything besides Gatorade two n water everything else hurts me. I will tell you I am so constipated I have been eating a lot of fiber cause every one said fiber keeps you regular NOT. I have been back to the E. The first three days of recuperation were fine as I was still on narcotic pain medicine. I just want to ask what is the best food to eat as i have not gone to the toilet since monday before the surgery up to now. Before removal I had numerous episodes of vomiting and pain after eating. This is not fun at all, i find that it is harder for me to lose weight now, not sure if that is some of the reason. Then started having pain right under right rib cage. I still suffer from gerd and bloating but its tolerable if I stay away from things my body has trouble digesting. I was in terrible pain and my feet and hands were swollen. i lose weight too. Fiber and whole wheat can give you trouble (gas, bloating) Try small quantities and only try one new food at a time. I hope to add some exersise into the mix in a few more days. Its very hard not knowing what can cos you to mess up things in the body. When I have an episode, i get bad stomach spasms, stomach gets bloated and it hurts to the touch, i get really bad diarhea, and nausea. I try not to take any sugar diectly or indirectly,eat loads of vegetables and fruit. also crackers are a main stay. Then lots of pain so he cut me in his office about an inch to find the pain. But I am not passing balls. And follow whatever aftercare plan they have for you to the T. I had my gallbladder removed 6 months ago. No matter how much I eat or how often I still feel weak. I have been nauseated about the whole time. Mine was so badly infected and was filled with stones that it caused other potentially life threatening complications. It has been a total lifestyle change and loads of trial and error but I believe for me it was totally worth it. and everything I eat or drink has been causing me problems. I could eat a cracker and take a sip of water and have severe bowel problems. Not yet just apple sauce and salad waiting a Lil longer for sushi. Just a few months ago, I started having pain on my right side which radiates to my left side towards back area to front. Then in November 2015 I developed blood clots in both lungs. Some days just the wonderful groundhog day chicken noodle watered soup. I plan to start adding fiber to my diet slowly when I go home. If you need to have it done research everything you can, quiz your doctor(s) as much as possible as to what your new normal diet should be. The pain is hard to describe it is consistent is a basically a burning sensation. I had my sludgey gallbladder removed this morning. However, if I want caffeine, I have to eat first. I got my gallbladder removed when I was 19. The recovery was not too bad, I was only out if work for 3 weeks and that was simply because one ensision was right underneath my right breast where my bra sits. I get really shaky, nauseous, and just sick to my stomach. Keep up your fiber intake, getting excersise will help keep your digestive track moving, drink lots of fluids WATER not juice. I have been digesting it fine so far but will keep you updated. The doctors recommended staying ahead of the pain which was definitely helpful. I would like to warn you if you take strong pain killers, I have a injured back and in pain most of the time, I have bad reactions ( severe abdominal pain )to panadine forte, tramel, morphine tablets etc. Now I am much more conscious of what goes in my mouth. will get back when ive had my procedure. I also have noticed that the rate of issues with diarrhea have also increased. I am a 46 year old female and weigh 200 pounds. This can help normalize bowel movements by reducing incidents of diarrhea or constipation. The pain is bearable even being off medication for two days. I just had my gallbladder removed July 5th 2016. I had surgery and finding it difficult to eat anthing. today. I am trying to stay away from fatty foods as much as possible. I am finding that eating bread, cheese, milk and certain other foods are giving me severe gas and bloating along with abdominal discomfort. I weighed 128 lbs within 3 months I gained 20 lbs. I hope these ideas help those unsure of how to begin this journey without the use of their gallbladder, like me. :( I cannot wait until I have energy again. I have fallen in love with sorbets (without milk content). I wish that I could have saved my gallbladder but it had to go. My doctor gave me Welchol to take before eating. One night I ate a veggie soup and it did not agree with me, I tried a little spaghetti the day after with a tiny bit of sauce and super lean burger it went fine. My husband has had gallbladder surgery 4wks ago. I had my gallbladder removed at 8:45 a. Trying to reintroduce the food I have not eaten for months and its going ok. It took almost a year to be able to eat certain things. Also constipation is a bad problem even with taking stool softeners and laxatives daily. Last night I had a grilled chicken salad and I have had diarrhea all night, all morning, and even still using the bathroom. Ended up very bloated - my stomach and face and then had diarrhea. I can assure you 100% that you will develop secondary issues within a year to 6 years after gall bladder removal. I had my gallbladder removed April 10 th. My bowels have slowed down but I only have small amounts of stool looking like deer droppings. I was completely fine for the first 5 to 6 days. I then continued to have soups added ground turkey to it and crackers. I had my gallbladder removed on the 9th March 2016. Hi I had emergency surgery on my holidays in Cyprus 13 days ago. Laparoscopic gall bladder removal and hernia repair 12 days ago. I think surgeons need more education on preparing their patients for the aftermath. then fell back to sleep again unti 5 p. I had my gallbladder out a year ago and I find that greasy fatty foods really make me sick. So, I know have to start watching everything that I eat. Although he suffers from undiagnosed IBS, his condition has substantially worsened these past 5 plus years to the point that he is on permanent disability. Nov. I am afraid to eat because of the diarrhea that follows. How long does it take for the swelling to go down. I started on Colestid, tablets, 1 in the morning and 1 before bed. Truth is we know whats bad and good for us. Can exacerbate the acid in your stomach etc. Today while eating a salad I experience a pain in my stomach bad let me to the bathroom. Also constipation is a bad problem even with taking stool softeners and laxatives daily. People with a sluggish liver often do not manufacture vitamin D adequately. I was advised to continue the same diet for a month but I have started adding foods over the last couple of days. ie all products of milk, ghee, butter, cheeses etc is like poision for us. one day not. I also have IBS and am Lactose Intollerant. I still get it a few times a week but its not as watery anymore. Went to ER thinking I was having a heart attack. A salad two days n a row hit me after I eat the second salad. My upper abdominal has been feeling sore and a little pain. Keep in mind when you read stuff on the internet that people may have many other things going on (like IBS or undiagnosed celiac) that could be affecting them after the surgery. After my surgery, I was able to eat anything but minimized my saturated and trans fat intake. ) I assume your lifestyle prior operation play a big role in the difficulties after operation. I ate Lasgana for dinner last night and was sick in the early morning hours. Later that day I had a small slice of birthday cake and one scoop of ice cream. 5 litres of water with only 2 pinches of salt for 25 minutes then add carrot boil for 2 minutes add potatoes boil for 5 minutes add brocolli boil for like 20-30 seconds. However, I have gas quite a bit and I am bloated. Tried diets an low fat ect. i have multible bowel movements lasting about 5 hrs. I had my gallbladder out some time ago but recently I have been getting diarrhoea after eating different times of the day I have tried omitting items but gave nit had success. I am doing it slow and feel concerned if i do not keep my fat intake down i could have more problems in the future. I eat salmon, fruits, vegetables, chicken, 4 percent beef (grain fed), 10 different nuts every other day, cage free brown eggs, honey wheat (Sara Lee brand) bread. Since my surgery I had been experiencing some severe bouts of diahrea, blotting, cramping and pain. I had low fat yogurt this morning. I started shuffling down the hall within 4 hours of being out of surgery, in the hospital. I do find it very suspicious as to how common gallbladder removal is. By the way, I forgot to add on my last comment that I have a normal appetite and I eat normal foods. To be quite honest is now just a 5 year blur. I will pay close attention to what Im eating for sure now. I can now eat most things except big pieces of meat. I am still having diarrhea since the surgery and its November. I started off with jello, popsicles, and pudding the first day, then added mac and cheese and potatoes and finally meats of all kind and so far so good. I am T1D. No cause has been found thru 2 CT scans and a colonoscopy. I got my gallbladder removed on Oct 15 via laparoscopic surgery. I was given to much Anastisa and could not wake up. moderation as usual is the greatest asset that would help. Due to a drug I suggested to my doctor that slows down motility the nausea and dry heaves stopped but my appetite is still low and the discomfort after eating still happens. I just try different things to see how my body will react. I have gall bladder surgery scheduled for May 22, 2014 and am scared. My question is what can one take to settle this condition. eating any food no problem. Eating has become one of the most difficult things I do during the day. I have had instant bloating, not ending. I was so sick for years from my gallbladder. So I have been on the triple therapy for 2 weeks. Raw veggies, like lettuce, make be feel sick. I collapsedin airport while traveling and ended up in hospital. Oh and a note for my work saying I would not be in. I have found that there was a very good reason the human body needs a gallbladder. I am very conscious of what I have eaten the past few days. I think I will try n not drink so much milk. This for her is an inconvenience not only for the fact of the discomfort but also needs to make sure she stays close by a restroom to avoid an acciden. I have no appetite and have to force myself to eat. Please help there be a post gallbladder removal diet to help us all know better how to eat post-op. After the surgery they put me on another antibiotic. My gallbladder was removed February 2016 I also have acid reflux disease. I am thinking strongly about cutting bread from my diet for a while to see if I can cut back on the extreme bloating. I was so drugged up m that moment husband me helped me into a wheelchair the next minute a man was asking my name it was my moms Pastor asking for me. I use a Nutri Bullet and pretty much follow the diet plan in their book. However, because I also have IBS, I eat very healthily and take daily psyllium husk as a fiber supplement, which might help with the prevention of diarrhea. If you do get constipated use lax a day it can be bought over the counter and you add it to juice can be used every day. Caffine and dairy are extremely hard to eat. I have sharp pains in my cervix ever since then. What about cookies that are baked with chocolate chips and nuts. I have now incorporated papaya juice, pear juice (not the store bought as it is filled with sugar) Just peel, chop add water and blend. My heart starts pounding and blood pressure goes up. im concerned that i have lost weight but the Dr is not concerned at all. i have been suffering from ALS disease since 2012 and had constant pain. one day not. Since my gall bladder removal 18 years ago I have been consistently losing bone density and low in some vitamins. I only have problems with eggs occasionally, but as a rule now, I tend to eat plant-based meals. Once it passes then I go to the bathroom and it is hard. I am 37 yrs old excersice regularly and in ok shape. However, it can also make gas and cramping worse. I had gallbladder surgery 2 weeks ago l have been craving and eating fried foods although l know its probaly not the best thing to do l havent had any complicatins so far. I have lots of trouble with everything listed above. The only thing that stopped the diarrhea the docs have tried is a 150mg of opioids. ect. I am 5ft 4in tall and I weigh less than 100 lbs. I do not have high blood pressure which is primary use. My friend came to me and told me that he saw many testimonies on how a spell caster cured people Lyme disease. Do your research on the apple cider with baking soda cocktail because it has been a miracle for me. I also have a food allergy to soy, so I continued thinking I must have used a soy product some how. For the first two weeks had diarreah in the morning 5-6 times. I usually add ginger to my juice and focus more on greens with a little fruit added. I had my gallbladder removed on Oct 29 2016 so just about one week on thursdayl. and the pain on my right shoulder and neck are horrible and my head pounding. No-one told me anything about any special diet I had to be on, or anything I had to steer clear of. They say that have severe diarrhea is rare after removal but it seams like so many people I have met who have this procedure have this problem. Some vegetables aggravate my stomach such as cabbage, turnip greens, and overly fattey foods. Also happy to report that contrary to what people say weight loss is no more difficult post op. I try to avoid these foods, but sometimes you just want ice cream. All though I am still a little tender around my abdominal area but my bathroom habits are normal and have not had any further problems. I have soft but formed BMs from once to three times a day. The first week was hard due to pain from surgery. I took 2 Tramacet pills and Gravol through IV an hour after waking up from anesthesia. She spends most of her time in the bathroom. I recently found out my LDL is very elevated. I would force myself to regain some strength. Someone told me no fatty foods so i eat salads but that seems worse. This week I have been bloated and have gradually been less in the morning when I wake but bloated by bedtime. Now my daughter at the age of 16 has it too. I would much rather have lost it a different way. Has anyone suffered or still suffering with these symptoms. I am experiencing new problems which I believe are related to my liver,so I am once again seeking info. If I eat to much my stomach is uncomfortable for hours afterwards. I can eat green onions and shallots because they lack the some of the enzymes in mature onions. it is very unpredictable, even if I stick to non fat foods I may have problems. Avoid high-fat foods, fried and greasy foods, and fatty sauces and gravies. I had Gallbladder Surgery 2 weeks ago exactly. All of a sudden two days ago I had knife stabbing pain in the same area where I used to have gallbladder pain. I started really paying attention to the fat content and have gone two weeks without a problem. Hello, I had emergency gall bladder surgery in August of 2013. I also had a Casseddia at Boston Pizza - that also has gone right through me once - cramps - also Yellowish stool. I have been trying different foods, but nothing seems to help. I even ate KFC the day I got home from the hospital. I had vernors and that left me with the burps, which hurt because my stomach is sore and swallon. So I have making green shakes and intake fish, and broil, grilled chicken How does gallbladder removal affect other organs. I lost about 25 lbs in the 3 months waiting for the surgery. I am able to pass some gas, but no movement. He is eating chicken noodle soups but is still having problems. Type the characters you see in the box below. So if anyone has suggestions please let me know. At this moment my stomach is still tender as well as aching. We have learned about a 12 yr study in South Korea in connection with dumping syndromes after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The doctor gave me medication to manage the pain and in between he said I can take Advil or Tylenol. I would suggest eating a very low key diet. I really do not have problems with whole grains in small amounts. I had my gallbladder removed Oct. So. I miss it. Bloating, gas and soft stools can be a problem but compared to what I was going through before. but It was not a good idea. So far I am seeing I can pretty much eat whatever i want to without any problems. Biles,. I had my Gallbladder removed 4 days ago on the 24th of April. Post surgery and the years following i ate my regular fatty diet. Anyways I was home the same day as the surgery, which was key hole surgery and I ate clear fluids the first day, that went great. If something makes me nauseous, however, I avoid it. Also, post surgery for about a year I would get terrible stomach aches and be sick the entire next day if I ate onions. I wish I knew something to help with the bloating and gas. I have been experiencing stomach pain for 2 years now. My daughter is having her gallbladder removed and I was looking for a diet she could after surgery. I was released from hospital awaiting a surgery date. Low fat milk is not good for me otherwise I get an lbm problem. I think we should have a diet to stick to after surgery because I really be scared to try certain things. Which is awesome because the percocet the surgeon prescribed me with makes me tired and irritated by everything lol. Nothing was explained about my diet afterwards, or even long term effects. Each day is a task until you get your self together good luck. I finally asked a pharmacist and he told me to take 1\2 an Immodium every day. Usually eat really bad over Christmas then by February start having symptoms. I have now been having problems when eating any foods that have poppy or sesame seeds, diet coke and some sushi like tuna. A clear liquid diet consists of: soups or broths tea fruit juice clear decaffeinated sodas sports drinks Jell-O and popsicles Ingestion of bile salts after gallbladder removal may also be recommended in some cases to supplement digestion of fats. For example I have added cheese and avocado and coffee gradually and so far so good. Then I gradually added in other fruits and vegetables, lean meat, skim milk, oatmeal. The one thing I absolutely cannot consume is coffee. Fried anything is not a good idea for me either. I was taken care of and the pain is now gone. There is lots of food I can not tolerate anymore. Ate some garbanzo beans and that solved the problem. Another side note is that after my surgery, I have lots acid in my stomach and an acid reflex, and I am on lots of constipation meds. all of them cook for taste, not health. Smaller meals and trying to watch the fat. And I also give talks to fellow HIV-positive people. I have a question: if you need animal fat in order for your body to absorb fat soluble vitamins, how is your body supposed to absorb these if you quit eating animal fat once your gallbladder is removed. Since the surgery is so recent my hope is that I can get a Handel of my bowels and ultimately my diet. Very concerned about this as I am weak and fatigued. I remember, during recovery I felt as if I was blown up like a balloon with so much air. I am desperate and tired of the pain. Take note of what you eat and if something bothers you, try eating less of it or cutting it out. 10:30 ate crackers. I just have to test the waters on everything I eat, I come to realize that I may never be able to have a piece of Pizza again. Every week removing something in my diet to find a cause. 6th Gall bladder, I no that I can eat greasy food, I need a list on foods that I can have. Also see if they will check for an ulcer. I made it to the bathroom by the hair of my chinney chin chin. 2016, I began feeling severe upper right quadrant pain that radiated to my back, weight loss of 14lbs post surgery, nausea, darker colored urine, painful bloating, and significant fatigue. Not because of the gallbladder but just in general and to keep healthy. I have gained almost 3kgs post surgery, which I am quite upset about. Oatmeal and toast and breads have been good. It is terribly uncomfortable. I know now that I can only eat about 2 ozs instead of a small cereal bowl. To ashamed to go eat out with family or friends. We have started a low fat diet per the dr recommdation. Prior to that, I had not seen or heard from him. I really had no problems from the surgery. I had gallbladder removed before three days, I still feel hard to eat small meal and stomach pain, also little pain on my right side plus feeling very tired. Just a follow up on my earlier post re having no issue with gall bladder taken out, I find that drinking tea (black tea or better Asian green tea) helps with my bloating and digestion specially after having fatty foods and hard to digest food. Although not technically a dirty case, the organ was so badly inflamed that the pain was such that I required emergency transport to the hospital and five days of IV antibiotics, plus oral antibiotics after discharge. My doctor recommended to remove the avocado from my diet to see if it will subside. It was bad with large stones, constant swelling of the walls and inflammation fluid surrounding the Gallbladder. I do think it would be helpful if more doctors explained about the element of pain in laparoscopic surgery after the procedure. The second I woke I knew it was the right decision. I never eat out because sometimes i have to go to the bathroom with explosive diarrhea as soon as i finish eating. I still have digestive issues 4 months later. Lunch: Cambells or Healthy Choice Tomato soup-Water only. This is usually not the case when the gallbladder is removed due to gallstones. I feel really lucky after reading some comments. I have not figured out what triggers it except it seems to happen after eating a few days of fatty foods. I was told nothing from the doctor who told me that my gall bladder should be removed. Whenever the pain meds made me drowsy I went and laid down. I have these episodes of not being able to digest food and them coming out looking the same way they did when they were consumed. I had my gallbladder taken out in November 11, 201. I feel better but I have no control over how my body feels. I feel like I still have my gallbladder with the acid reflex and constant stomach pain that I had before. I am afraid to eat and afraid to go anywhere. i lose weight too. I cannot say for certain if it has been helpful but I can say that it has not been detrimental in any way. I love their roast beef sandwiches and Curly fries. Since then, I am in an excruciating amount of pain with worse symptoms than before the surgery. However, I had no idea what was causing my abdominal area to have so much pain and believe that as the adults get older, they should have yearly even semi yearly check ups to make sure their gall bladder is working properly. I started out with clear broth and gradually added soft vegetables to it, bread and meat and cheese were added after like two months. They sent me home with percocet. I guess it helped because for the third day I could take longer walks and today march 06 I feel really ok. I will check with my doctor and ask her about some of your recommendations. ) Did some breathing exercises and that kept me going for about an hour, but after that I vomited everything I ate. They took a CT scan and said there were gall stones causing the discomfort and admitted me to the hospital for surgery the next morning. Today I felt like eating what I had yesterday since I had no issues. The only juice I can intake is the grape juice. finally went to ER because I was feeling worse not better. A good snack is a handful of pretzels with some peanut butter and half an apple. I have not been able to eat almost anything. I applaud you and your efforts and stand ready to give others information about you and i hope they believe and work with you. Then after its not as bad but def still their. So I eat more oils and avocados (I never have problems with avocados even though they are high in fat). When the pain came, I vomited, got diarrhea, sweat and ached, all at the same time. Since the surgery I have lost another 5lbs. I had my gallbladder out about three years ago. I agree that it depends on the individual. Even though you may have your spouce with you or friend or whatever, you still are pretty much alone. Before I went vegan, dairy and eggs were MAJOR problems. 9-ERCP, CHOLESYSTECTOMY Sept. The Dr. I fed him mostly apples melons and oatmeal with chicken breast or boil fish and boil veges for dinner. On day 3 I had a slice of Persian bread with 1 teaspoon of low-fat feta cheese, 1 walnut and a cup of tea with sugar for breakfast. So, after healing I started trying foods that previously gave me attacks. I ate fresh fruit and steamed veges for the rest of the day and I had 2 glasses of red wine in the evening. For the first month they had to introduce fattier foods slowly and carefully. Well first I would like to wish everyone good luck and good health. 90% of people who have gall bladder removal are overweight. and I have bad pain in the upper gut 4 10 min after I eat anything at all then its gone. Today I decided to try having just one, but preceded it with the anti-nausea medicine. In any event, it all went well and I had no side effects or pain. Going back to work as a physical therapist after 2 weeks of my laproscopic surgery. Be careful of type of fiber you eat, do not eat anything containing inulin, causes bad gas, pain, bloating. Feeliling like every time i injest somehing, I become bloated. Not everyone has bad outcomes from having their gallbladder removed. I lost about 13 lbs in 2 weeks before my gallbladder surgery and I am just now feeling strong enough to try to experiment with foods 4 weeks later. If I am out, I wont eat anything fatty or greasy. I had my gallbladder removed 3 weeks ago. I have had this before (since gall bladder was removed in 2012)but have not paid attention to what I have eaten. It has now been 25 days since my surgery and I have still had no major complications. Ate mild food for first week out of hospital, then to regular diet. Ihad gallbladder surgery December 18 2012. And eventually having it removed. The first week all I had was c